BTA LOGO Quick Index of BTA - Telematic Bulletin of Art
ISSN 1127 - 4883
December 25th 1998

BTA resume to publish with very changes. CNR - Italian Institute of Studies about Research and Scientific Documentation, have assigned to BTA an international identifier: so-called ISSN number (International Standard Serial Number); BTA design has been completely renewed; has been founded an experimental telematic editing.
Now also BTA readers can to partipate to magazine with BTA mailing-list !

Stefano Colonna
New multiplex Warner Village Cinemas in Rome

Warner Village Cinema, Rome, Italy
Masterpieces from 	Cà Rezzonico

Silvia Giabbani
Masterpieces from Cà Rezzonico

Stefano Colonna
New Informatic technologies for Opera Theatre of Rome

CAD Rendering of 	Opera Theatre of Rome

Alfredo Geloso Atelier on the Sea

Stefano Colonna New BTA

Cristiana Carletti European Protection of Cultural Heritage