The UNESCO World Heritage Centre
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, August 16th 1999)
The Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in Danger
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, May 9th 1999)
The World Heritage Fund
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, April 18th 1999)
The World Heritage Committee
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, March 28th 1999)
Recent trends in the italian legislation in the field of the protection of cultural goods
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, March 11th 1999)
The UNESCO Convention for the protection of the world
natural and cultural heritage (Italy position)
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, February 14th 1999)
European Cultural Policy (2000-2004)
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, January 16th 1999)
The Protection of Cultural Goods in the European Union Treaty
(Cristiana Carletti - Rome, Italy, December 25th 1998)